At the heart of Fox Ink, mother of three, Elisa Fox sort to pursue her passion of digital design, after completing a Bachelor of Multimedia. Now more than 20 years on, with a young family, this small design business designs big things, whilst juggling mum life and the territory that goes with.
Layout and Typography have become a favourite area of work, as well as branding and marketing resources. Working in events and marketing for a non-for-profit youth organisation helped grow this passion. Given the opportunity, another absolute delight for Elisa is working on Wedding Invitations - or any invitation for that matter! '... helping a client get their unique wedding stationary, without over spending and contributing to their big day, it's a real treat for me!' Which led to the ETSY store being developed - with dozens of beautiful ready to go designs, for any number of smaller events.
Presently, Elisa looks to add lettering and calligraphy to her skill set and can't wait to see her style and flair come out in her lettering work.